Our Members

Our academic members ensure their research is undertaken with the highest quality, whilst maintaining a clear focus on translating the findings into the practitioner’s environment. 


The International Project Management Consortium’s members who are dedicated to developing new and exciting ways to bring more success to project outcomes are from a range of institutions around the world.


This makes the expertise within the International Project Management truly global.

Our Research

IBy definition, our research is embodying the necessary applied nature required to impact on the delivery of project management within industry.


If you want to be part of the global project management research revolution, then we’d love to hear from you. 



Useful Links

International Journal of Project Management - Offers a range of project management research topics and is published 8 times per annum.

Project Management Journal - is the academic and research journal of the Project Management Institute.

Research Funding Opportunties - 2019 request for proposals is open NOW! The PI must hold a position at a recognised academic institution.

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